National Assembly (국회의사당)

The Seoul National Assembly building is a historic and beautiful parliament building housing the legislative branch. The National Assembly is located in Yeouido Island, near Han river. (Line 9)


The Seoul National Assembly building was completed in 1975 after six years of construction. The aesthetic of the building consists of granite pillars, a white exterior, and a big blue dome! The 24 granite pillars and the dome symbolize the various opinions of the public emerging as one.

A trip to the National Assembly in April 2010

Within the National Assembly building there is a large, main conference room. The main conference room in the Proceeding Hall has 300 occupied seats, but 400 total seats in preparation for new lawmakers.

The grounds surrounding the Proceeding Hall also contains a library.
National Assembly Library is the largest Humanities and Social Sciences Library in Korea functioning as both parliamentary and public libraries. By comprehensively collecting national knowledge and information and establishing an extensive digital library, it contributes greatly to develop the nation’s intellectual capability. The Library manages and preserves the National Assembly records. The Chief Librarian (vice-minister level) is a public official in political service under the Speaker of the National Assembly.

Image result for national assembly library korea국회도서관-national-assembly-library-of-korea/4b3ada70f964a520336f25e3/photos

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