Songdo (송도)

Canals within the city are common.

Songdo, a city of over 100,000 people, is considered to be the world’s first ‘smart city’, despite the first phase of the development opening in 2005. With the city’s design focusing on the use of technology for the betterment of commercial and residential life, many of the cities buildings utilize sensors and computers to monitor things like temperature, energy usage, and traffic patterns. The city’s waste system even allows for garbage to be transported directly from an apartment or office to a centralized waste processing center. Technological development of the city has significantly improved quality of life.

Songdo is situated approximately 30 Kilometers southwest of Seoul along the Yellow Sea. The Incheon International Airport is located across the 12 kilometer long Incheon bridge from Songdo, allowing resident and visitors of Songdo an easy route to and from the airport. Initially envisioned as a center of international business, much of the development and growth however, has been residential. Originally intended to grow to a population of about 300,000 people, the city only is home to a third of this goal.


Songdo has also been the focus of some controversy. The construction of the city has taken place on reclaimed tidal flats. In 2003, the organization Birds Korea claimed the construction was destroying vital staging grounds for migratory birds. Despite this, construction continued and the city has reached about 70 percent completion.

Songdo, however, in addition to being designed as a technologically advanced, is designed to be environmentally conscious. Specially designed pipes and drains prevent drinking water from being wasted as bathing and cleaning water. In addition to the waste disposal and recycling systems, much of the city is is LEED certified space, making up about 40 percent of South Korea’s LEED certified spaces. Bike paths and electric vehicle charging stations are also a common sight in the city. Gardens and small farming projects are also common. A copy of New York’s Central Park is also located within the city. Despite the growing pains of Songdo, it’s well on the way to reach its full potential.


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